Annual General Meeting Announcement
This is an official notice and invitation to our Annual General Meeting for 2019, to be held at the Greater Victoria Public Library, Saturday, December 14th starting at 4:00 PM. Members of the Lake Side Buoys are entitled to nominate and vote for the Board of Directors that will govern the society for the next year, as well as vote on any special agenda items that the Board will present. This year, the Board would like the membership to ratify a new Constitution and By-Laws.
Directly following the adjournment of this meeting, a pub crawl will commence. Dressing in club colours is highly encouraged.
Directly following the adjournment of this meeting, a pub crawl will commence. Dressing in club colours is highly encouraged.
If you are unable to attend and would like to vote by proxy, you can designate
any member of the Lake Side Buoys as your proxy simply by letting them know,
and so that we’re all on the same page, let the board know by emailing before
December 12th.
The current Board of Directors for the Lake Side Buoys Society are:
President: Jason Armond
Vice President: Ted Godwin
Secretary Treasurer: Allison Armond (not running for re-election)
Director: Xavier Ouellette
Director: Adam Kostanuick (not running for re-election)
Director: Blake McStravick
Director: Ryan Arrowood
Secretary Treasurer: Allison Armond (not running for re-election)
Director: Xavier Ouellette
Director: Adam Kostanuick (not running for re-election)
Director: Blake McStravick
Director: Ryan Arrowood
During the nominations and elections portion of the meeting, there will be a
brief interval where nominations can be made, though we’d prefer nominations be
done via email prior to the meeting. Nominations must be made by members in good standing for
members in good standing. Self-nomination is allowed. If there are competing
nominations for a position, each nominated candidate will have 1 minute to
address the group if they so choose before ballots are cast. Nominations can be
made for members in absentia, provided that this is done in advance and that
the candidate being nominated has communicated their acceptance of the
nomination to the Board prior to the meeting.
Any questions you have concerning the AGM or the new Constitution and By-Laws
can be directed to